Author: admin

  • Deed of Trust in North Carolina

    Deed of Trust in North Carolina

    There are many documents and contracts involved in real estate transactions, and trying to understand all of them can get a little overwhelming.  One that we find people often have questions about is the deed of trust. What is a deed of trust? A deed of trust is a legal agreement used in real estate…

  • An Overview of North Carolina Property Deeds

    An Overview of North Carolina Property Deeds

    As you navigate your way through any real estate transaction, you’re likely to encounter a lot of vocabulary terms that are specific to the real estate world. If it’s your first foray into real estate transactions, all of this new jargon can get confusing.  We find that one of the concepts clients often struggle to…

  • Why Do I Need a Real Estate Attorney in North Carolina?

    Why Do I Need a Real Estate Attorney in North Carolina?

    Real estate sales are not simple transactions. A lot of legal knowledge is necessary to complete real estate transactions, so it’s not only helpful to have a real estate attorney involved in the process, in the state of North Carolina, it’s required. Why you need a real estate attorney in North Carolina North Carolina law…

  • North Carolina Real Estate Closing Checklist

    North Carolina Real Estate Closing Checklist

    You’ve searched, found a home you love, made an offer that was accepted by the seller, and gone through the inspection process. Now it’s time for one of the most exciting days in your home-buying journey: closing! Closing, also referred to as escrow, is the last step in financing and purchasing real estate before you…

  • Fraud in North Carolina

    Fraud in North Carolina

    You might hear the word “fraud” thrown around often in everyday conversation, but fraud is a criminal action that is taken very seriously in North Carolina. An accusation of fraud can have a huge impact on your life and future. Fraud is a very broad category of crime and many different activities can be considered…